Books, Magazines, DVDs, And More...
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
A Radical Decision
I have come to what some might consider a radical decision!
As you may know, I have so many blogs right now that it's sometimes hard to keep track of what's going on and where. So, I am bringing all my current blogs to a halt. I'm not deleting them. But, I am folding them as of today. In their place, I have set up a new blog titled Nick Redfern's Fortean World.
Yeah, I know: it's hardly the most original or imaginative title, but it is accurate and to the point! So, from now on, while all my existing blogs will remain archived, here's the address for the new blog, Nick Redfern's Fortean World.
As you'll see, the design and style has not been completed yet, and there's no content yet either. But, bear with me, and over the next few days you'll see it start to develop its life and character!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
The Beast of Boggy Creek
Over at Cryptomundo, you can find a new review from me of Lyle Blackburn's recently published book, The Beast of Boggy Creek. If you are into Bigfoot, then this is most definitely a book for you. And, in my opinion, it's easily the best cryptozoological publication of this year!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Shadows in the Sky

Its title is Shadows in the Sky: The Haunted Airways of Britain, and here's the official press-release on the book:
(Published by The History Press)
Press Release
For centuries mankind has reported unusual phenomena in the skies of Britain. From reports of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), strange winged creatures, and aerial ghosts. Now, for the first time ever, monster-hunter and author Neil Arnold has collated a vast amount of bizarre tales pertaining to those not only dark and stormy skies, but clear blue heavens which for many years have spat out all manner of anomalies.
With so many books being written about UFOs, Neil has decided to concentrate on the more unusual reports of unexplained aerial lights, such as aircraft encounters with peculiar objects, phantom flares, ghost lights, will-o-the-wisp’s and fairy lights.
The book also features a chapter on spectral aircraft – mainly war-planes which continue to be seen on foggy moors long after they’ve been shot down. There is also coverage of ghostly airmen, phantasmal helicopters and ghost rockets, and not forgetting haunted airports and airfield’s.
However, if you thought these chapters were weird (or not weird enough!) then wait until you read about the winged monsters said to have plagued British skies for many centuries. Fantastic tales of dragons, said to have appeared all over the UK, from the cattle-plucking beasts of Welsh lore to London’s flying serpents. Winged, red-eyed humanoids also sneak into the pages, coverage given to classic aerial anomalies such as the Owlman of Cornwall, the Hythe monster, and the lesser known Hertfordshire ‘Mothman’ and the like. Griffins, giant birds, leather-winged batmen, flying jellyfish and sky-bound horses and dogs, occupy a surreal Ark also inhabited by spectral birds and feathery omens of death….and don’t forget a few tales of harmonious angels
When you’ve escaped the ethereal menagerie, you’ll be scratching your head at tales of all manner of bizarre items and objects that have fallen from the sky. Whilst pennies, fish and frogs may be known to many Fortean’s, obscure cases in relation to falls of snails, slime, metal, wheat, clothes, blood and even excrement may be more unknown! And let’s not forget a chapter on those pesky phantom airships, aerial roads and buildings, flying boats, and yep, you’ve guessed it, even a flying pig!
This is a book for monster hunters, UFO spotters, ghost investigators, and the insane.
With a foreword by author Nick Redfern, SHADOWS IN THE SKY: THE HAUNTED AIRWAYS OF BRITAIN is one book that’ll have you reaching for your umbrella. Those who dare pull their eyes away from the skies, can purchase the book from Amazon, and all good bookshops.
Neil Arnold is the author of several books, such as MONSTER! THE A-Z OF ZOOFORM PHENOMENA, MYSTERY ANIMALS OF THE BRITISH ISLES: LONDON, and MYSTERY ANIMALS OF THE BRITISH ISLES: KENT. He is a full-time lecturer on mystery animals.
ISBN – 9780752465630.
For enquiries contact The History Press on 01453 883300.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Strange Creatures of London

The Centre for Fortean Zoology’s Mystery Animals of the British Isles series continues to put out detailed guides to the weirder side of Britain’s zoology, and Neil Arnold’s latest book, Mystery Animals of the British Isles: London is no exception.
Every aspect of the capital’s strange fauna is analysed, with sections on Alien Big Cats, the Highgate Vampire, sky and water beasts, as well as a look at the weird goings on in Harrods and the Tower of London, making this book an extremely detailed reference guide to the strange goings on throughout the years in London.
Though still a sprawling metropolis, London is still a hub for odd happenings. Take for instance, the vultures in the parks, the London Goatman, the beast of Ruislip, giant catfish in the canals, scorpions in the supermarkets, huge rats in the sewers, the Brentford Griffin, fish-falls, Spring-Heeled Jack and spectral horses, and you end up with a city far stranger than one would expect!
Elegantly written in an engaging style, Arnold manages to weave together the complicated zoological mysteries surrounding London into a comprehensive volume vast in scope, but still prefect for bedtime reading. You will never walk the streets of London in quite the same mindset ever again…
Mystery Animals of the British Isles: London by Neil Arnold is available from CFZ Books at
Neil Arnold is available for interview.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Monster Mojo!

And, on this latter point of what Sasquatch likes to do when it is not out foraging for food or scaring people on lonely stretches of road late at night...
There's a new series of fiction books available - penned by author Virginia Wade - that offer the Bigfoot student a wealth of fun and entertaining tales on Bigfoot and its monstrous Mojo.
The overall title of the series is (wait for it...) Cum for Bigfoot! Yes, really! Brilliant!
And, hot on the heels of the newly-published first volume, there's another one, ahem, coming soon!
As the blurb below from the publisher demonstrates, while undeniably fun to read, they may not make the best present for Granny (that is, unless Granny has a thing for animalistic sex of the hairy-giant variety, in which case the old lady will absolutely love it!).
Talking of the publishers' blurb, here it is:
If you go into the woods today…
On a weeklong outing in Mt. Hood National Forest, what begins as a flirty, fun filled trip soon turns into a nightmare, when an ape-like creature kidnaps a group of teen girls with the purpose of procreating with them.
This story contains oral sex, fingering, forced consent, penetration with a large object, and ménage à trois. All characters are eighteen and above. Adult 18+
Well, who knew that Bigfoot ever had such fun??!!
All I can say is: bring on Volume 3!

To find out more about the Cum for Bigfoot series, check out Virginia Wade's website, which also includes info on a forthcoming title that may be of interest to the fan of all things weird - Cum for Frankenstein!
In fact, I can see a whole range of additional titles surfacing - Cum for Nessie: Lust in the Loch; Cum for the Chupacabra: Sucking on a Goat; and Cum for the Michigan Dogman: Doing it Doggy-Style!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Reflections of a UFO Investigator

Reflections of a UFO Investigator by Kevin Randle.
Trade Paperback, 270 Pages, 70 Illustrations.
$15.95, ISBN: 1933665564.
Genre(s): UFOs.
This is the journey begun by a teenager who had a question about a UFO sighting.
This is the story of that boy who became a UFO investigator and used every opportunity he had to investigate cases throughout the United States.
This is a report on investigations as diverse as the Carroll Wayne Watts contact case and the Roswell UFO crash.
This is a history of UFO research from the mid-1960s until today, told by someone who was there and who saw much of it himself.
This is the account of a researcher who fought to let the facts speak for themselves in the midst of heated arguments within the UFO community
This is the memoir of an adult who found a few answers to the UFO mystery but in the process came face to face with dozens of new questions.
About the Author:
KEVIN D. RANDLE is a retired military officer who served in Vietnam as a helicopter pilot and in Iraq as an intelligence officer. He has been investigating UFOs for more than 40 years and has traveled throughout the U.S. on his quest to learn the truth. He has written more than 20 books on UFOs, has interviewed hundreds of people about their experiences, and has lectured throughout the country about one of the most puzzling phenomenon in our times.
Excerpt from Chapter 4: The University Years
In a newsletter sent to various Air Force functions around the world, it was announced that the Blue Book files were housed at Maxwell Air Force Base and anyone who got there could take a look at them. All you had to know was where they were and that they had been declassified...
So just after the new year began and while still on break from the university, I set out for Alabama with my friend and colleague at the time, Robert Charles Cornett, and a letter of introduction from the AFROTC detachment commander so that we might use the facilities on the base.
Cornett was a strange man. He had entered the university with the idea of majoring in Russian and physics, two of the most difficult fields. He quickly decided that this wasn’t for him and began to look at his other passion, writing. Together we would write a number of action adventure books, science fiction novels, and magazine articles. This was our first joint venture.
We arrived at the archive at about eight in the morning, found our way to the desk where we could make our requests, and ran into the first roadblock. They weren’t inclined to help us. They didn’t want us looking at the files. They didn’t want us on their Air Force base. And they were unimpressed with our letter of introduction or the fact that we were in the AFROTC. They couldn’t have been more unpleasant.
But then a fellow, identified as “Mr. Smith” from Washington, showed up and talked to us. He looked at our letter of introduction, asked us a few questions, and told us to “wait here.”
Twenty minutes later he was back, said nothing to us, didn’t even acknowledge our presence, but told the staff at the archives, “Give these guys whatever they want.”
I don’t know who this man was, what his role at the archives might have been, or if he really was from Washington. All I know is that those behind the desk then told us how things worked, that the copy machines were few and far between, and that we could use any of the vacant study rooms, but if anyone in the “real” Air Force needed the room, then we had to surrender it. Since there didn’t seem to be an overflow crowd, we just nodded. In all the days we were there, I don’t remember ever seeing anyone else using the study rooms.
So now we had to come up with something. We didn’t know what was in the files or how the system worked. I remembered a couple of cases and asked for the files on those. One of them was the Kinross disappearance, which involved a jet fighter and a UFO. The fighter had disappeared during the intercept attempt...
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Unbelievable: A Monster Lurks in Wales...

Available right now is a brand new graphic novel written and illustrated by a friend of mine who lives in Wales: Simon Wyatt. Its title is Unbelievable: The Man Who Ate Daffodils.
If you have read my book, The Real Men in Black, you will have seen Simon's excellent artwork contained within its pages. Specifically, the drawings of two Men in Black and of the legendary Mothman of Point Pleasant, West Virginia.
So, with that said, what is Simon's book all about? Well, I'll tell you! And probably the best way for me to do that is by including here the Foreword I wrote for Simon's book, and which reads as follows:
"Not only is Simon Wyatt a highly-skilled artist and a gifted story-teller with a fine imagination, he's also a mate. And so, when Simon asked me if I would be willing to write a foreword for his latest mighty, monstrous tome, my answer was a quick and enthusiastic 'Yes!'
"So, after a copy of the manuscript made its way across the Atlantic to my home in Dallas, Texas, I sat down on what was an appropriately dark, stormy and windswept night to read Simon's story. And, I'm very pleased that I did!
"Simon has skilfully weaved together a swirling tale of magical, Gothic, cryptozoological and sinister proportions that rather reminds me of a perfect combination of those classic old Hammer horror-films of the late 1950s and 1960s; The Hound of the Baskervilles; Primeval; Scooby-Doo; The Secret Seven; and a good old adventure tale of the type that are sorely missed today. And all told in Simon's own unique style and brand, too, of course.
"Hideous killer-beasts roaming around the darkened, shadowy streets of a small Welsh town; creepy and eccentric characters with black secrets and hidden agendas; a few adventurous kids who are at the heart of the puzzle; fantastic myths and tales of centuries past; and much more all combine to create a suspense-filled story that will appeal to anyone and everyone with an appreciation of all-things weird and ominously atmospheric.
"Part-detective story, part-monster hunt, and part-whodunit, the story Simon tells will keep you entertained right up to (and including, of course!) the absolute last page.
"And the very good news is that more volumes - and more dark goings-on - are destined to follow! Keep 'em coming, Si!"
And, if that has caught your attention (and hopefully it has!), here's a bunch of links where you can find more about Simon's work, his new book, Unbelievable, and how and where to purchase your very own copies.
Click on the links for all the info:Markosia's Website listing and order details:
A review by Starburst magazine:
Free preview:
Official Facebook page:
And last but not least, Simon's blog, StrangelyDrawn;
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