Bart sent me some extracts from his manuscript and asked if I would be willing to add a blurb of endorsement to the book. Well, after having digested the material, I quickly said yes. Fans of the paranormal will find much of interest in the book’s pages, as will those with a fascination for the state’s mysterious history, Edgar Cayce, Fortean fish-falls, vampires and more.
UFOs feature heavily, too. Early tales of mystery airships and strange lights in the sky set the scene for what is to come, including: a striking 1993 event involving the Jefferson County Police Force; the “Liberty Abduction” case (a reported alien abduction event involving three women - Louise Smith, Mona Stafford and Elaine Thomas) of 1976; the controversial death in 1948 of military pilot Captain Thomas Mantell; and a classic Men in Black-type encounter from 1966. And, of course, no book that details the many and varied UFO encounters in Kentucky can afford to ignore the famous Kelly, Hopkinsville case of August 1955 that can best be described as Close Encounters of the Third Kind meets Gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
"And what of cryptozoology?" I hear you ask.
Well, you ain't gonna be disappointed - not at all.
Bart's book contains some highly intriguing data on Bigfoot, werewolves, lake-monsters, lizard-men, goat-men and more. It also contains some fascinating information on Bart's (and his family's) own encounters with mystery critters - some of which offer theories to explain the Bigfoot puzzle that extend much further than the realm of straightforward flesh-and-blood entities.
The book is packed with photos and excellent drawings from Bart (who is a highly talented artist), and skillfully weaves a picture of Kentucky as a state rich in folklore, mysteries, dark woods full of fantastic beasts, and monstrous creatures roaming the countryside by night.
Mysterious Kentucky is an excellent book from an author who demonstrates a great affection and love for his home state, first-class knowledge of his subject matter, and a highly entertaining writing style.
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